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Learn Empower Adapt Pride

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Our Purpose

The need for specialized placement services for children who face mental health and behavioral challenges is growing nationally. In Bulloch County, this need was identified based on feedback from student support professionals, school principals, teachers, and a comprehensive needs assessment done in partnership with Georgia Southern University.

As a result, our school district created the Learn Empower Adapt Pride (LEAP) program. It is not an alternative learning center, nor a punitive program, instead it was created  support children who need a temporary space, where educators can share specialized support to help them be more successful. 

Meet our faculty & staff

"At LEAP we believe that all students can Learn. We Empower students to become a better version of themselves. Students Adapt to any situation. Students develop Pride in our community, school and themselves."

Our Goals

  • Decrease or eliminate barriers to effect classroom instruction
  • Provide children with the appropriate services for their behavioral needs
  • Successfully stabilize and mainstream children with mental health and behavioral challenges
  • Reduce chronic disruptions to classroom instruction
  • Better support the work of school counselors and school psychology staff
  • Improve the overall performance of schools  

A Multi-tiered System of Support

We work together to support children who may need extra help in their learning and behavior. It's like having different levels of support available, depending on what each student needs. Just as some kids may need extra help with reading or math, some kids may need extra help with their behavior, too. Our team provides different strategies and support to meet the unique needs of each student, so that they can be successful in school.