Student Wellness & Support
There are many factors that affect a child's ability to learn and be successful. The Student Wellness & Support Department provides wrap-around services to address the needs of the whole child. Our support professionals partner with families, faculty, children, the community, and other educators to help prepare students for success.
School Climate
Learning Programs
Student Health
- Nursing Services
- Immunization Requirements
- Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
- Diabetes Fact Sheets
- Hospital Homebound Services
- Mobile Dentistry Services
- Scoliosis Screening
- Therapy Services
Nursing Services
Immunization Requirements
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
Diabetes Fact Sheets
Hospital Homebound Services
Mobile Dentistry Services
Scoliosis Screening
Therapy Services
Contact Us
Student Support & Wellness Department
150 Williams Road, Suite A
Statesboro, GA 30458
912.212.8922 (Office)
912.212.8609 (Fax)
Counseling Field Experience Program
At present, Bulloch County Schools employs 34 school counselors across its 15 elementary, middle, and high schools. These personnel offer a comprehensive school counseling program within each of the settings.
Along with providing services to the students and families of the district, Bulloch County Schools offers the Counseling Field Experience Program to partner with graduate education programs in providing future counselors with practicum and internship placements to fulfill university requirements while garnering vital experience with the roles and functions of school counselors including evidence-based academic, social, emotional, behavioral interventions and college and career programming.
The Bulloch County Schools Counseling Field Experience Program is operated through the Department of Student Wellness and Support. Any questions regarding the practicum or internship opportunities should be directed to Dawn Tysinger, Ph.d via email at or by phone to 912-212-8745.