What Can You Create
Purpose: to access flexibility, fluency, elaboration, and originality in creative thinking.
Materials needed:
- Copy of Picture This worksheet
- Copy of What Can you Create? worksheet
- Copy of Activity #5 - Diamonds
- Several pencils sharpened
- Timer of some kind
- Review the term flexible thinking from Lesson #3 and discuss.
- Discuss what originality means: The word originality comes from a Latin root meaning “source.” When children think creatively, they comes up with fresh, original ideas. They take risks and discovers new territory. Discuss that most inventions are definitely original ideas. Some very interesting kids’ original examples you can show and discuss are presented on the following links:
- 10 Great Inventions Dreamt Up By Children via GreatBusinessSchools.org
- Crazy Kids’ Inventions Turned Into Real Products by Paulina Tikunova
Warm-up Activities:
- Show the worksheet, Picture This, to the student and discuss what could be added to the squiggly line (using the line as a part of the drawing) to create something new and unique. Have the child add as many details as possible to the drawing (elaboration) to help. Work with your child throughout especially if the child becomes "stuck” and discuss a creative title for the drawing. Give ideas as well.
- Encourage your child throughout the process and praise as you go.
- Get a copy of the What Can you Create? worksheet. Say to your child: “Let’s do some more drawing. Here are some squares with little figures drawn inside of them. When I say ‘start,’ take your pencil and try to make each little figure into something else. You can do whatever you want with these. You can make them funny or beautiful. You can add words in the box too if you’d like to. Please add a title that describes each picture. You can use more than one box at a time – whatever you want. There is no right or wrong here. Try to complete as many boxes as you can."
- Time your child for 12 minutes for this exercise.
- When completed, discuss the completed pictures and titles with your child. Encourage your child to now complete the squares he/she may not have finished. Discuss. Give encouragement throughout.
- Give a break, and then proceed to Activity #5 - Diamonds. Remind student that he/she will create 8 different pictures with the same shape- diamond. Discuss directions... and time activity for 3 minutes. Stop after 3 minutes and have your child explain any he /she would like to. Praise efforts.
- Use shapes as you see them throughout the week…. such as a stop sign, and ask child what else could the stop sign be… or how could it be changed in some way?
- Encourage your child to think of new ways household could be used instead of the original purpose.