Georgia's new data dashboard shows how Career Technical & Ag Education delivers
Georgia has created a CTAE Advantage Dashboard that shows how career, technical, and agricultural education delivers results in Bulloch County and across the state.
According to a statement released by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), the new state dashboard allows easy, transparent access to Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) academic and workforce data at the state and school district levels.
In the state and in Bulloch County, CTAE courses and their corresponding student organizations like SkillsUSA, FCCLA, the National FFA Organization, and more have a positive impact on students' literacy rates, graduation rates, and postsecondary placement rates. The new dashboard will make this data more accessible to the public and further show the impact of school partnerships with businesses and industry.
"We are making it even easier for educators, parents, and stakeholders to access critical data that demonstrates the clear return on investment these programs provide," State School Superintendent Richard Woods stated in the state's announcement.
According to data released by the state, Georgia students who concentrate in CTAE have a graduation rate that is 22% higher than that of their non-CTAE peers and a postsecondary placement rate after high school that is 23% higher than that of their non-CTAE peers.
In Bulloch County, students who do the same and complete at least one CTAE pathway, have a four-year high school graduation rate of 98.2%, which is 15.9% higher than the district's 82.3% rate for those not enrolled in CTAE courses. Their postsecondary placement rate is 97.9%, 20.3% higher than their non-CTAE peers.
The dashboard also shows the impact of industry partnerships with 230 businesses currently serving as work-based learning sites for 260 students who have earned nearly $1.4 million in wages this school year as they gain workforce experience.
In Bulloch County students can choose from 43 career pathways that are strategically selected by the district and applicable to our area's in-demand career fields. The courses provide students with the opportunity to learn skills and earn recognized industry credentials.
The new dashboard has been added to the Bulloch County Schools website's Accountability Data webpage under the News & Data tab on the website's homepage. To access data statewide visit the Georgia CTAE Advantage website.