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New Teacher Induction Program

New Teacher Induction Program

Bulloch County Schools helps provide new teachers support through its New Teacher Induction Program. Held in addition to the school district's New Hire Orientation, it is a 10-session training led by the district's team of instructional coaches.

New educators meet once per month throughout the school year. Session topics are created based on feedback from new teachers and their school-based mentors regarding  the needs of new teachers. 

"This allows the program to be flexible and responsive to the needs of each individual new teacher cohort," said Ragan Adkins, a director of school improvement. Adkins and fellow School Improvement Director Millie Boykin lead the program.

Begun in 2015, the program supports new teachers by communicating the school district's values and it models best practices for student learning with engaging instructional strategies, proper classroom management techniques, and positive behavior interventions.

Additional Support for Teachers

  • Mentors assigned to new teachers
  • District team of instructional & school climate coaches to support schools & teachers
  • Dedicated time to collaborate with your peers in professional learning communities 
  • Ongoing Professional development opportunities
  • A local university ( Georgia Southern) to further your education
  • An Aspiring Leaders program for teachers who want to grow their leadership capacity in order to be considered for possible administrator positions when they want to advance their career.