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Aspiring Leaders Program

Bulloch County Schools' Aspiring Leaders Program is designed to support our school system's aspiring employee leaders. The program provides an understanding of how a strong sense of our district’s essentials of leadership along with professional skills and competencies help to shape effectiveness as a leader.

Aspiring Leaders are current assistant principals or teacher leaders who are preparing for future leadership roles within Bulloch County Schools. Aspiring Leaders have the capability to make a significant difference in the current and future performance of student achievement and organizational effectiveness within our school district.

Program Eligibility

Potential candidates for the Aspiring Leader Program, must meet one of the following certification requirements prior to submitting an application.

  • Hold an up-to-date Georgia Professional Standards Commission leadership certificate
  • Be willing to enroll in a university leadership development program that will lead to a L5, L6 or L7 leadership certification
  • Hold a district-recognized leadership position

Selection of Program Candidates

Prior to a selection period for a new cohort, the school district will communicate with employees and provide an online application. Applications will be scored and participants will be notified. If you are chosen to participate, session attendance is required.