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School Zones

Bulloch County Schools uses school attendance zones and school transportation zones to determine where a child will attend school.  For your convenience, we have provided interactive search engines for both based on your address. To balance capacity at the schools, the school system may adjust an attendance zone or a transportation zone.  These are always communicated first to affected families and then to the public.

What is an Attendance Zone?

Children attend a specific school based on where their parent(s)/guardian(s) live.  This is an attendance zone.  A child may only attend a school outside of their zone if approved for a public school choice transfer (HB 251) or if the child requires special education services that are not available at their zoned school (SB 10).

What is a Transportation Zone?

Transportation zones are bus routes that deliver children to specific schools.  Bulloch County Schools may alter school transportation zones to balance populations between schools. In these instances a child that requires bus transportation may attend a school that is not his/her attendance zone school.

In 2015, Bulloch County Schools did alter the transportation zone for Langston Chapel Elementary and Sallie Zetterower Elementary. If you are new to these schools, check out the Zone Change Notice information below to see if it affects your residential area or contact either school.

In 2018, Bulloch County Schools did alter the transportation zone for Mill Creek Elementary School, and affected students will be moved to either Sallie Zetterower Elementary School or Mattie Lively Elementary School depending on the child's residence address.

Find Your School Attendance Zone

You can use this online tool from the Bulloch County Tax Assessor's website to find your school zone based on the owner's name, physical address, lot parcel number of your residence and more. Access Bulloch County Tax Assessor's website.

Once you have entered the information to search and locate your property and your property information appears, follow these instructions to access your school zone:

  • Click once on the Layers tab at the top left of the site menu bar to open the layer options.
  • Click on the "zoning" option from the layer menu.
  • Check either the elementary, middle or high school box under the school option from the layer menu.
  • Your attendance zone school name will appear over your property location on the map.

Find Your School Bus Stops

WebQuery helps you determine the available bus stops if you need transportation services. For the eligible middle and high school, be sure to select the grade level. 

To find your nearest school bus stops: Click on this WebQuery link.  Be sure to enter both your address and the grade level of your child. Once the site determines your school and it appears on the screen, the school's name is a hyperlink.  Click the name of the school to reveal available bus stops in your area for that school.

Transportation Zone Change Notices

Bulloch County Schools regularly monitors its school space capacities based on the student populations and the physical classroom occupancy space at each school. As student populations may rise or fall temporarily or permanently in an area, the school system can balance school capacity by either changing school attendance zones (based on residence address) or transportation zones (bus routes).  The school system has made two transportation zone changes, and these changes will remain in effect.

2018 Transportation Zone Changes

Bulloch County Schools adjusted the transportation zones for a portion of Mill Creek Elementary School's students in 2018.  The change took effect on Aug. 1, 2018. For the affected families, if they require bus transportation services, the children will be transported to either Sallie Zetterower Elementary School or Mattie Lively Elementary School instead of Mill Creek Elementary, depending on their address. Again, this change only affects students who ride a bus to school. Attendance zones, which are based on property addresses, did not change for the schools. 

2015 Transportation Zone Changes

Bulloch County Schools adjusted the transportation zones for a portion of Langston Chapel Elementary's (LCES) students in 2015. This change took effect on Aug. 3, 2015.  For the affected families, if they require bus transportation services, the children will be transported to Sallie Zetterower Elementary School instead of Langston Chapel Elementary School, depending on their address. Again this change only affects students who ride a bus to school.  Attendance zones, which are based on property addresses, did not change for the schools.