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Seasonal Illnesses

Key Contacts

Superintendent of Schools
Charles G. Wilson, Jr.


Public Information
Hayley Greene, Director

Public Relations Department
912.212.8512 (Office) or 912.536.2827 (On-Call)

Medical Support
Faye Blythe, Lead Nurse
Student Wellness & Support Department 

Employee Flu Vaccine Clinics

Each October Bulloch County Schools hosts flu vaccine clinics for its employees, substitutes, and their household dependents. 

Student Flu Vaccine Clinics

In October, the school district hosts flu vaccine clinics at each of its schools for students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12.

Each schools will send home a Student Flu Vaccination packet with students. Parents who were interested in their child receiving a flu vaccine at school, should complete and return the interest/permission form to their child's school by the provided deadline. Families can also visit the Bulloch County Health Department or their primary care physician for a flu shot. 

Based on the forms that parents return to the schools, the Bulloch County Health Department will create a final schedule of student flu vaccine clinics and a schedule will be published. Only Health Department personnel will administer the vaccine to students.  Flu-mist will not be an available option.  

COVID Vaccines, Testing & Guidance

Information about COVID vaccines, testing and isolation and quarantine guidance can be found on the Georgia Department of Public Health's website.

COVID vaccines are now approved for everyone over six months of age. For detailed information on booster eligibility, visit the Centers for Disease Control . Visit this website for the latest information on vaccine availability in Statesboro.  Bulloch County Schools does not host COVID vaccine clinics for students, but it has worked with the Bulloch County Health Department to previously host clinics for its employees and their eligible dependents.