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Accommodation & Prioritization of Requests

In the event that more requests are received than can be accommodated based on space, requests will be prioritized in the following manner:

  • Siblings of special education students who are required by the district to be placed at a particular non-zoned school due to lack of required services within their attendance zone.
  • Children or step-children of current full-time employees of Bulloch County Schools requesting a placement which meets one or more of the following criteria:
    • School requested is one which is within the attendance zone of the primary work location; or
    • School requested allows the student to stay in the same feeder pattern, even if the employee’s work location has changed since initial acceptance under School Choice.
  • Students for whom the request would allow continued enrollment at the school of origin or the next school within the feeder pattern, but would ordinarily require a transfer due to change of attendance zone after moving to a new residence.
  • Students entering 6th or 9th grade who are currently in a school within the same feeder pattern.
  • Students with siblings in the same primary household scheduled to attend the requested school due to previous approval through School Choice Privilege or other authorization.

If more applications are received than space available for a particular grade, program or school, and if after prioritization by the five methods above, space is exhausted, a final method is needed to prioritize applications. This will result in a lottery drawing .  If lottery drawings are needed, the district shall have the authority to conduct them either in person or via live stream.