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Campus Payments

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Campus Payments How-To Guide for Families.pdf (PDF)

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Bulloch County Schools provides a hands-free, online payment option at five of its schools. If you are a Campus Parent user at Portal Middle High School, Southeast Bulloch Middle School, Southeast Bulloch High School, Statesboro High School and William James Middle School, you have the ability to make fee payments and school store purchases online, 24/7.  The district plans to expand this feature to all of its schools in the future.

Registered Campus Parent users at these schools can access the feature in the following ways:

  • The school's website homepage. Simply look for the School Store icon on the homepage
  • when they are in the tool's website by clicking on the School Store icon on the  or mobile application. After setting up a preferred payment method (credit card, debit card, or e-check), purchases can be made.  Some available fees and School Store items may vary by school.

Key Points to Know

  • Families will still have the option, if they prefer, to pay school fees or make school store purchases manually by using cash or check. There is no obligation to use the online method. 
  • There is a $10 minimum per online transaction.
  • Online payments can be made using a credit card, debit card or e-check.
  • The new online payment tool is not a temporary line of credit, so families should ensure that funds are available in their credit card or banking accounts prior to making any purchases.
  • Payments are immediate, and you can view transactions in real time.
  • There is a 5.5 percent service fee charged per transaction if you use a  credit or debit card. For e-checks, it is 35 cents per transaction.
  • Your information is protected using the highest security standards in the industry.

What can I purchase?

Registered Campus Parent users at the schools can purchase school store items like ice cream passes, t-shirts, and spirit gear or make donations to their school. You can also pay school fees for athletics , overdue books, field trips, parking, proms, or technology. 

Please note that at this time, school meals must still be paid for in advance using the My School Bucks website or mobile application. Also,  school pictures, high school class rings, and graduation caps and gowns that are currently paid through a third-party vendor will continue being purchased that way as well.

How can I get a Campus Parent Account?

Once parents or guardians enroll a child in the school district, they are authorized to activate an account. Campus Parent is a free, internet, and mobile application service offered to all families of enrolled students. If you need a Campus Parent account, please contact your child's school to request an activation key to activate your account.

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