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Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus Parent and Campus Student are free, internet, and mobile application services offered to all current and active parents, guardians, and students of Bulloch County Schools. Campus Parent and Campus Student provide parents, guardians, and students 24-7 information about attendance, class schedule, assignments, grades, announcements and more. Only after a family has enrolled a child(ren) in the school district will a parent, guardian, or student be authorized to activate an account. You can visit the Campus Parent and Student Help Center for more general information.

Already have an account? Login

Registered Infinite Campus Parent of Campus Student users can login in to your account here. 

Download the Mobile Application

  • Parents and guardians, if you need a Campus Parent account, please contact your child's school to request an activation key to activate your account. Once you have an account, you access the Infinite Campus website to login to your account, and/or download the Campus Parent mobile application to your digital device from either Google Play (Android) or the Apple App Store (iOS).
  • Enrolled students at age-appropriate grade levels will learn at school how to login to their Campus Student account from a computer and download and use the Campus Student mobile application on a digital device. Registered students will be provided login information by their school for access to their Campus Student account.
Infinite Campus Parent and Student mobile applications

Use Campus Parent to Update Your Child's Information

It is very important to keep your contact information and information about your child updated in our school district's student information system. This should be done anytime there is a change and annually at the beginning of each school year. Even if you believe no information has changed. 

Prior to the start of each school year, the school district's Data & Assessment Department will email all parents and guardians of returning students with a reminder to complete their child's required annual Student Update and Information Verification. We encourage you to use Campus Parent to complete this task.

How to use Campus Parent to Update Your Child's Information

  • Login to your Infinite Campus Parent Account
  • You will be on the Announcements page. 
  • Click on the "More" link from the site's left menu bar. 
  • Click on the "Online Registration" link from the options.
  • Select "(Current) School Year Existing Student Registration/Annual Update"  if your child is a returning student.  
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to update your child's information for the new school year.
  • Be sure to hit the "Submit" button.
  • You will receive a confirmation email that your information was received and processed properly.

Please note: In addition to making updates for your enrolled children, you may also register any new children you have by clicking on the Add New Student button in the Student tab of the online tool.

Campus Payments

Bulloch County Schools provides a hands-free, online payment option at five of its schools. If you are a Campus Parent user at Portal Middle High School, Southeast Bulloch Middle School, Southeast Bulloch High School, Statesboro High School and William James Middle School, you have the ability to make fee payments and school store purchases online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  The district plans to expand this feature to all of its schools in the future. For more information about Campus Payments and how to use it, click here.

Other Campus Parent Resources