Technology Services & Use Agreements
The Bulloch County Board of Education recognizes that as telecommunications and other new technology change the ways that information may be accessed, communicated and transferred by members of society, those changes may also alter instruction and student learning. The Board generally supports access by students to rich information resources along with the development by staff of appropriate skills to analyze and evaluate such resources.
The Bulloch County Board of Education makes available to its students and employees a wide variety of media resources in each school building, including electronic media such as the Internet. Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to the preparation of citizens and future employees during an age of information. The Board expects employees will blend thoughtful use of such information throughout the curriculum and that employees will provide guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use of such resources.
Digital Resources
Bulloch County Schools utilizes Google Workspace for Education for instruction and collaboration for all students in grades K-12. Students have access to all tools within the Google Workspace for Education, with the exception of Google+ unless specifically allowed by parents. Access to Google Workspace for Education includes G-Email, Google Drive, Google Docs, Calendar, Google Classroom, YouTube, etc. All web traffic accessed on school property is appropriately filtered according to current Children's Internet Protection Act compliance requirements.
The school system may also provide students access to other beneficial digital resources. Access to Internet resources enables students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards while exchanging messages with people throughout the world. The Board believes that the benefits to students from access in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration exceed the disadvantages. Please read our Student Internet Use Agreement for more information about our protocols and processes for digital resources.
Technology Agreements
Parents, guardians, and students must abide by the following technology agreements: