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Violations of Student Code of Conduct

Each classroom teacher has the authority to manage disruptions by imposing in-class disciplinary actions. Teachers will make a personal telephone call to the parent/guardian when feasible, and/or by scheduling conferences with the Parent/Guardian and other school staff. When the action taken by the teacher or other staff is ineffective, or the student’s behavior substantially disrupts the class, the student will be referred to the principal or his/her designee (O.C.G.A. 20-2- 738).

In accordance with state law and State Board of Education Rule 160-4-8-15, progressive disciplinary measures will be used in assessing and addressing student behavioral needs. Failure to bring supplies, books, and/ or required materials and equipment to class is not cause for disciplinary referrals. Parents and guardians of students who consistently exhibit poor work habits or are not prepared for instruction should be notified by the teacher. Defiance of a teacher in regard to these areas may be cause for a disciplinary referral.

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct are grouped into three levels. Before determining the classification of a violation, the principal or his/her designee will consult with the involved student(s) and school personnel. Once the classification of the violation is determined by the principal or his/her designee in his/her discretion, the disciplinary procedures will be implemented.