Student Disciplinary Hearings
Pursuant to the provisions of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Section 20-2-753 et. Seq., (Ga. Laws 1984 VI, p. 908), the Bulloch County Board of Education shall appoint a student disciplinary hearing officer or panel to hold disciplinary hearings.
A. Students who are accused of certain disciplinary infractions may be required to appear at a hearing before a student disciplinary hearing officer/panel.
B. An alleged violation of the student code of conduct where the recommendation is suspension or expulsion of longer than ten school days will result in a hearing before the student disciplinary hearing officer/panel.
C. The hearing officer/panel will listen to the evidence, determine if the student is guilty of the violation of the student disciplinary rules, and will determine appropriate punishment to impose taking into consideration the circumstances of the offenses and the student’s disciplinary record.
D. The student disciplinary hearing officer/panel will determine whether or not a student will be allowed to apply to the alternative school program, the Transitions Learning Center. The student disciplinary hearing officer will base their determination upon the nature of the offense committed and the student’s prior discipline record.
E. Any decision of the student disciplinary hearing officer/panel may be appealed to the Board of Education by filing a written notice of appeal within 20 days from the date the decision is rendered.