Middle & High School Consequences
A. Level 1 Offenses: Disciplinary Actions
1. First Offense - In-school conference and parent/guardian contacted when warranted, correction and/or replacement of defaced/damaged property; other appropriate consequences.
a. Some offenses may warrant disciplinary action such as detention, time-out, bus suspension, in-school suspension, out of school suspension, or long term suspension/expulsion for possession of alcohol or multiple acts of physical aggression.
2. Subsequent Offenses - In-school disciplinary action such as detention, time-out, bus suspension, in-school suspension, or out of school suspension, or long term suspension/expulsion for possession of alcohol or multiple acts of physical aggression.
B. Level 2 Offenses: Disciplinary Actions
1. First Offense and Subsequent Offenses - In-school suspension, bus suspension, and/or out of school suspension. Some offenses may warrant long term suspension/expulsion.
C. Level 3 Offenses: Disciplinary Actions
1. The disciplinary actions for certain offenses will be out of school suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion as authorized in the procedures previously stated and/or suspension from bus transportation for up to the remainder of the semester or year for bus related offenses.
2. The third documented offense of bullying in a school year, at a minimum, shall result in the student being assigned to an alternative school or other alternative education program.
3. The principal shall suspend the student whose expulsion is recommended during the interim between the time the recommendation is made and the date of the disciplinary hearing, but such interim suspension shall not be for a period exceeding ten (10) days unless a continuation is granted.
a. At the hearing, the student disciplinary hearing officer/panel will determine whether or not a violation of the policy has occurred and whether or not the student should be expelled or some other appropriate punishment be imposed.
b. If, after the hearing, the student disciplinary hearing officer/panel determines not to expel the student or impose some other punishment, which includes the interim suspension, the interim suspension shall be considered void. The student’s absences will not count against them, and they will be allowed to make up all work missed.
c. If the student disciplinary hearing officer/panel finds a student guilty of a drug or alcohol offense, the student and his/her parent or legal guardian must satisfactorily complete a substance abuse program approved by the Bulloch County Board of Education and must submit written documentation of the completion or of continuing satisfactory involvement in said program to the principal of his/her school.