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District Common Grading Procedures

To ensure consistency among schools, the following shall apply to all:

A.  All schools shall implement continuous spreadsheet grading.  The final report card grade will not be based off of averaging of averages (composite grades), but rather averages of the individual assignments weighted by category type.

B.  All final grades shall be determined based on the following grade book categories:

  1. Major Assignments: 60 percent
  2. Minor Assignments: 40 percent
  3. Practice Assignments: 0 percent

C.  Each grade will be represented as a percentage (out of 100), not a point system.

D.  All assignments should be entered into Infinite Campus with a multiplier of 1.0.  No assignment should count more or less or have a greater weight towards the final average. 

E.  Each grade should be tied to a standard and should reflect the student’s level of mastery.

F.  As a general rule of thumb, major assignments should include a priority standard(s), otherwise the assignment should be minor. In grades 1-8, at least six major grades and twelve minor grades should be entered in the gradebook per semester for academic courses (this only applies to ELA and Math in grades 1-5).  In grades 9-12, at least eight major grades and sixteen minor grades should be entered in the gradebook per course.  Best practice would be to space these assignments out over the entirety of the course.

G.  At least two minor grades should be recorded in the gradebook to measure a student’s readiness for each major assessment.

H.  From time-to-time, practice may be given for the benefit of each student’s progress. Although feedback will be given, grades coded this way will not count toward numeric averages. Homework is considered practice and should not be taken for a grade.

I.  Points should not be awarded or taken away for non-academic factors (student work habits, attendance, behavior, participation, etc.). Some exclusions may apply in performance-based electives courses in which participation or work habits are components of the course standards. Extra credit should only be given in a course when tied to mastery of the standard and when each student has the opportunity to earn the credit.

J.  For middle or high school courses with an associated state mandated end-of-course test, the test score shall count as 10 percent of the final course grade.

K. Official grade reports will be available through Campus Parent Portal following each academic quarter. Middle and high school final report cards will be available in the Infinite Campus Parent and Infinite Campus Student portals after the conclusion of the school year.  Elementary final report cards will be sent home on the last day of school.

Grading Score Types

Subject Grading Type
English Language Arts & Math (Grades 1-5)
All Subjects (Grades 6-12)
Science & Social Studies (Grades K-5)
Specials: Art, Music, Physical Education, etc. (Grades K-5)
1 = Unsatisfactory
2 = Needs Improvement
3 = Satisfactory
4 = Excellent

Elementary Grade Scale (Grades 1-5)

90-100................................................................. A
80-89................................................................... B
70-79................................................................... C
69 & Lower..........................................................F
4 ............................................................  Excellent
3.......................................................... Satisfactory
2...........................................Needs Improvement
1..................................................... Unsatisfactory

Middle School & High School Grade Scale (Grades 6-12)

90-100................................................................. A 
80-89................................................................... B 
70-79................................................................... C 
69 and below......................................................F
INC....................................................... Incomplete
WD....................................................... Withdrawal

Expectations for Assignment Scores

The typical expectation is that teachers will enter assignment grades within five school days of assignment completion.  For extended projects and writing assignments, teachers will enter grades within 10 school days of assignment completion.  Principals reserve the right to grant extensions on a case-by-case basis. Assignment scores are viewable immediately after entry into the grade book via the Infinite Campus Parent and Campus Student portals.

Reassessment Opportunities

Teachers will provide re-teaching and reassessment opportunities for students who do not demonstrate mastery (scoring at 80 percent or higher) on major assignments. These opportunities will be provided until mastery is reached.

When a student demonstrates mastery (scores at least 80 percent) on a major assignment but wishes to reassess, he or she may request a re-teaching and one reassessment opportunity in a timely manner (generally within five days of the score being entered in Infinite Campus) regardless of the student’s original score.

In order to participate in a reassessment opportunity, the student must first take part in some type of re-teaching as determined by the teacher. Re-teaching and reassessment, by nature of its intended purpose, will only improve the student’s level of content mastery. Only the student’s highest grade should be recorded in the gradebook. Gradebooks will be updated as mastery is achieved.

Missing Assignments (Not due to absences)

Teachers and students will work together to make sure that any missing assignments are completed.  Teachers will enter “Missing” in the gradebook in Infinite Campus.  If the student has not turned in the assignment in a reasonable amount of time (generally within 10 days), the grade should be changed to a zero and a comment added of “Missing and not turned in within a reasonable amount of time” Students who consistently have missing assignments not due to being absent should be provided with support to remediate this behavior.

Make Up Work

Immediately when a student returns from being absent, the teacher and student will work together to develop a plan to make up any assignments.  Teachers will enter “Missing” in the gradebook in Infinite Campus.  If the student has not made up the assignment in a reasonable amount of time (generally within 10 days), the grade should be changed to a zero and a comment added of “Missing, not made up in a timely manner.

Academic Dishonesty

Any form of cheating shall be handled as a violation of the student code of conduct and addressed with appropriate discipline. The student shall not receive credit for any assignment which they were found to have cheated, however, in accordance with the county grading procedures, students will be able to participate in re-teaching and re-assessment opportunities if the assignment was a major grade.

Academic Counseling

Counselors are available in each school to assist students with their problems and concerns of an academic, a vocational or a personal nature. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss their child’s problems or progress with counselors and/or their child’s faculty advisor and/or teacher(s).

Information concerning post-secondary education and training, college admissions testing (ACT, SAT, AccuPlacer, etc.), scholarship searches, military options, and career planning is also available through classroom guidance and individual counseling services. Parents and students are encouraged to utilize all of the services provided by the Georgia Student Finance Commission's website, to help students plan, apply, and pay for college.