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General Information

Accident & Illness

Any accident on the school campus which is serious enough to require first aid should be reported to the principal’s office immediately.  Parents will be notified in case of serious accidents or illnesses at school.

Addressing Concerns

Students/parents who are concerned about a specific classroom situation should first confer with the teacher.  If the issue is not resolved, the student/parent should make arrangements to see a school-level administrator. If the problem is not solved at this time contact appropriate Central Office personnel.

After School Activities

  • Athletics:  All after school activities sponsored by the school are under the jurisdiction of the school, and the same rules and regulations cover them during school hours. The Georgia High School Association regulates attendance for participation requirements for activities sanctioned by the Association. All activities are under the jurisdiction of the sponsoring organization. Students may not be eligible to participate in practice or competition unless cleared by an administrator.
  • Childcare:  Bulloch County Recreation & Parks offers after school childcare services at each of our nine elementary schools until 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. for Pre-Kindergarten through fifth-grade students.  This service is provided at a cost. Contact the Recreation Department for their requirements and fees. They also offer limited day camp services during school holidays and breaks.

Athletic Physicals

Athletes who have been restricted from play or practice due to a medical condition or injury must have a release from the doctor to return to play/practice.  Athletic physicals are the parent's or guardian’s obligation to obtain. Physical examinations will be good for 12 months from the date of the exam. Exception: Any physical examination take on or after April 1, in the preceding year will be accepted until classes end the next spring or until the final spring sports season concludes (for those participating students).


Students who ride bicycles to school are expected to lock the bicycles at a determined location set by the principal or designee as soon as they arrive at school.

Backpacks/Book bags

(See your school’s supplemental handbook.)

Campus Parent & Campus Student Online Tools

Campus Parent and Campus Student are online tools for students, parents, and guardians, which provide 24 hour/7-day access to a student's class schedule, assignments, grades, report cards, attendance, and announcements.  It is available via a website and as a mobile application with push notifications.  Students, parents, and guardians can visit the district website to learn more. Campus Parent also provides access to Georgia's Statewide Longitudinal Data System where historical state assessment data, grades, and attendance can be accessed. 

School Counseling Services

School counselors are available in each school.

Electronic Devices (Student-owned)

Student-owned electronic devices will be confiscated if they disrupt the learning environment. Schools are not responsible for lost or stolen property.

Extracurricular Activities

Each school’s website will provide a listing of extracurricular offerings and the opportunity for parents to decline permission for students to participate in a specific club or organization.

Emergency Drills

Emergency preparedness drills are held periodically throughout the school year: Fire Drills; Tornado Alert ; Lock Down/Intruder; and All Clear Signal.


It is prohibited by the Board of Education for pre-kindergarten through fifth-grade students to be involved in door-to-door fundraising activities.

Home Study Student Participation in Interscholastic & Extracurricular Activities

Bulloch County Schools adheres to all requirements of the Dexter Mosely Act (§ 20-2-319.6).  Parents of home study students who wish to have their children participate in interscholastic or extracurricular activities at their resident public school should also review the Dexter Mosely Act information on our website for more details and instructions.  It is the responsibility of the parent to reach out to the school to determine the key dates (tryouts, conditioning, etc)  associated with the activity in which they wish to participate, as timelines for advance registration and course participation do apply.

Middle School Driving & Parking Regulations

Middle school students are not allowed to drive under any circumstances.


Plagiarism, as defined by Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, as “to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the source,” will not be tolerated. Plagiarism will be treated as an academic dishonesty infraction and will warrant appropriate disciplinary consequences.

Personal Belongings

Personal belongings should be left at home. The school is not responsible for personal belongings of a student including belongings left in a locker.

School Property and Student Debts

Students who mark or damage school equipment or property in any way will be required to clean the article and/or pay for the damage.  Students are responsible to assure that textbooks they are assigned do not become lost or damaged beyond normal use. Students must pay for the loss or excessive damage to textbooks. The law specifically provides that parents and students are responsible for materials lent to the student. Students shall be notified in writing of any debt charged to them. Opportunity shall be given for the student or parent to meet with a school official to discuss any debt the student owes.

Transportation Changes

If a student needs to make a transportation change, he/she must present a written request signed by the parent to the office, and the office must approve it before the change is made.  This will apply whether the transportation is by car or by school bus. Families may also use the Transportation Request Form on the school district's Transportation Services webpage.

Video & Audio Recording

The school system reserves the right to videotape or audiotape students in school programs, school events and student evaluations, as well as on the bus. The school system also reserves the right to record any meetings concerning the student where a parent may be present.

Visitors to secure areas:

To ensure the safety of all adults and children in our facilities and to ensure the speed and accuracy of our visitor check-in, you will be required to present a state-issued picture identification card or driver’s license to gain entry into secured areas (any area past the inner locked doors in lobby and office).  Should you not have a state-issued identification card, other acceptable forms of picture identification may be accepted at the discretion of school administrators. School administrators have the authority to ask any visitor to explain his or her presence in the school building.

Visitors to front office and lobby:

To check-out your child from school or register your child for school, you must identify yourself and submit one form of picture identification.  This is not required to be a government-issued identification.