Effect of Student Handbook
The Bulloch County Schools Student Handbook is subject to change without prior notice if there are required policy changes based on actions of the State Board of Education, Georgia General Assembly, or the Bulloch County Board of Education.
The policies, rules, and regulations in the Student Handbook are regulatory in nature and are not to be construed to give rise to any substantive or vested rights. The Bulloch County Board of Education (Board), the superintendent, and school principals reserve the right to amend, suspend, repeal, modify, or revoke the policies, rules, and regulations at any time as to any students or related persons without incurring any obligation with respect to the old or existing policy, rule, regulation, or administrative procedure. The ultimate administrative responsibility for each school is vested in the principal, who must treat each situation, whether disciplinary or administrative, from the perspective of what is in the best interest of the student concerned, the other students in the school, and the ongoing educational mission of the school and school system.