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Academic Promotion Placement & Retention

The academic, social, and emotional welfare of students will be given serious attention when a grade level promotion, placement, or retention is to be made. Grade level assignments will be made without regard to race, sex, religion, belief, national origin, or ethnic group. Promotion, placement, or retention of students shall be made in the best interests of the student after a careful evaluation of all factors relating to the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives.

The Bulloch County School System establishes a promotion policy for all students to ensure that the system's mission to prepare students for success is realized. Promotion, grade-level advancement, and course credit shall be based on academic achievement and demonstrated proficiency of the subject matter of the course or grade level. No student shall be socially promoted to a grade level for which he or she is not prepared without appropriate intervention measures as outlined in district procedures. The scope of these procedures is comprehensive and contains both local and state requirements for grades K-12.