Bulloch County Foundation for Public Education
About the Foundation
The Bulloch County Foundation for Public Education was created in 2006 by local leaders and the Bulloch County Board of Education to provide a way for the community to further invest in public education and provide local funding for innovative projects. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees which meets monthly to manage its body of work that includes the following:
Charitable Giving
The Foundation provides a way for individuals, businesses, industries and civic organizations to invest in local education programs that benefit public, charter, private and home-schooled students. In addition, the Foundation’s major fundraising campaigns are the Statesboro 5K Turkey Trot and Bulloch County Schools’ payroll deduction option for its employees. Us the Statesboro 5K Turkey Trot's race website to make online, tax deductible donations to the Foundation at anytime or to register for the next race.
Fundraising Opportunities
Statesboro 5K Turkey Trot
Use the Sign Up button below to either register for the Statesboro 5K Turkey Trot or make a donation to the Bulloch County Foundation for Public Education.
Consider being a corporate sponsor of the Foundation's largest fundraising event, the Statesboro 5K Turkey Trot.
Payroll Deduction
The Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. We can receive tax deductible donations through payroll deduction from employees of corporations. Faculty and staff of Bulloch County Schools are our largest payroll deduction contributors.
Corporate Donations
As a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, the Foundation is able to provide businesses a way to make tax deductible contributions.
The Foundation is able to receive bequests made as part of a will or trust. Consider making the Foundation part of your estate planning.
Programs We Support
Innovation Grants
Since 2006, the Bulloch County Foundation for Public Education (Foundation) has funded nearly 290 innovative teacher grants totaling more than $357,560. These innovation grants fund proposals submitted by classroom teachers. A grant committee reviews the submissions and selects up to 20 projects to receive grants. The maximum individual grant level is $1,500. Grants are presented each fall.
Grant Application
The opportunity to apply for an Innovation Grant is open to all Bulloch County School System teachers, media specialists, counselors, or any combination of department teams within one school setting or among schools. Apply here.
Teacher Testimonials
Learn more about how local educators are using innovation grants from the Foundation to create unique learning experiences for their students. Read their testimonials here.
College Scholarships
Reach Scholarship
The Foundation funds Bulloch County School’s annual participation in the REACH Georgia Scholarship Program with a $7,500 annual contribution. As a result, five graduating REACH scholars each year receive a base scholarship of $10,000. Some of Georgia's 60 colleges and universities may also have additional funds available for Reach scholars. Scholars are encouraged to contact the financial aid offices of their chosen post-secondary institution early in their college admissions process. Reach Scholarships are in addition to any HOPE or private scholarship funds scholars may receive.
Community Scholarships
The Foundation, as a 501 (c), non-profit, holds endowments for multiple local college scholarship funds such as the Jordan Aubrey Scholarship and the Perry Clanton Scholarship. This service aids local citizens who wish to establish scholarships in honor or memory of a loved one or to encourage youth to major in a particular field of study.
Star Student
The Foundation is the local underwriting sponsor for the Professional Association of GA Educator’s STAR program. The Foundation’s financial support makes this program possible locally for Bulloch County’s public, private and charter schools.
Teacher of the Year
The Foundation is one of the main corporate sponsors for Bulloch County Schools’ Teacher of the Year program. The Foundation annually provides a $1,000 grant to the district’s teacher of the year.
Contact Us
Board of Trustees
The Foundation is governed by a board of trustees. Learn more about the leaders who guide the Foundations operations.