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Jobs as a Substitute

Thank you for your interest in becoming a substitute employee with Bulloch County Schools. We hire substitutes to serve as teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians, nurses, school food services staff, bus drivers, bus mechanics, or secretarial and clerical positions. 

Application Process

  • Apply online (preferred)
  • Upon approval of your application, you will receive an email about how to complete a required background check. All substitutes must complete a background check.
  • After completion of the background check process, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the required online orientation. All substitutes must complete a required online orientation. 

Substitute Salary Scales

In keeping with the school district's payroll calendar, substitutes are paid on the last working day of the month. These are the current rates of pay for substitutes (updated July 2023):

Questions about substitute salary scales? Contact: Ty Winters, Human Resources Coordinator 912-212-8504 or by email 

  • Teachers (with teaching certification) = $145 per day
  • Teachers (no teaching certification) = $135 per day
  • Long Term Substitute Teacher = $180 per day
  • School Food Service Sub = $13.13 per hour
  • Licensed Practical Nurse Sub= $18.13 per hour
  • Registered Nurse Sub = $24.38 per hour
  • Bus Monitor Sub = $65 per day
  • Bus Driver Sub = $90 per day
  • Custodian Sub = $105 per day
  • Clerical Sub = $105 per day
  • Parapro sub = $105 per day  
What is a Long Term Substitute Teacher? A long term substitute teacher is one who is substituting for 10 or more consecutive days for the same classroom teacher. (Extended rate starts on the 10th day) If a substitute subs for a portion of a day, the salary will be prorated accordingly. For example, if a substitute works for four (4) hours, they will be paid ½ (half) of the daily rate.
  • If a substitute works for a portion of the day, the salary is prorated accordingly. For example, if a substitute works for four hours, they will be paid half of the daily rate.
  • An extended substitute teacher is one who substitutes for 10 or more consecutive days for the same classroom teacher. The extended rate of pay starts on the tenth day.

Substitute Qualifications

For Custodians & Food Services

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Please apply online or contact 912.212.8500.

For Nurses & Clerical Staff

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must possess a high school diploma or have passed the General Educational Development test.
  • To apply for a substitute nurse or clerical positions, please submit an application to be a substitute.
  • Those interested in substitute nurse positions should also contact Bulloch County Schools' Lead District Nurse Fay Blythe by email.

For Bus Drivers,Monitors & Mechanics

  • To apply for a substitute bus driver, bus monitor, or bus mechanic position, please submit an application online.
  • You may also apply in person at the Bulloch County Schools Transportation & Technology Annex  located at 219 Simons Road, in Statesboro, Georgia, or call 912.212.8640. Their hours are 6:30 am. - 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.

For Teachers & Paraprofessionals

  • Substitute teachers and paraprofessionals must be at least 20 years of age and possess a high school diploma or have passed the General Educational Development test. They also must have at least one of the following qualifications: 
    • Possess a valid Teaching Certificate or Georgia Professional Standards Commission Certificate of Eligibility 
    • Possess a valid Paraprofessional License or have passed the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators Parapro Assessment
    • Possess an official college transcript showing at least 60 semester hours
    • Possess a Substitute Teacher Training Certificate

If you do meet the above substitute teacher/paraprofessional qualifications, please submit an application to be a substitute.

If you do not meet the above substitute teacher/paraprofessional qualifications, please contact Ty Winters by phone at 912.212.8504 or by email for more information about how to become qualified.

Required Substitute Teacher/Paraprofessional Orientation

Qualified substitute teachers and paraprofessionals must complete a required online orientation. Upon approval or your application, you will receive an email about completing the required background check.  After completion of the background check, you will receive information regarding the online orientation.

Contact Us

Ty Winters
Human Resources Coordinator
Human Resources Department