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Public Participation at Meetings

The Bulloch County Board of Education uses an adopted set of norms and protocols for how it will function as a governing body. You may review the norms and protocols here. 

At Regular Session meetings, the public may address the Board of Education concerning issues other than specific student or individual employee matters. These should be addressed in writing to the superintendent or the chairman of the Board of Education.  

To participate in the Public Participation segment of the meeting,

  • Public participation is included on the agenda of regular session meetings only. A time for public participation is not included on work session meeting agendas.
  • A person will sign their name and topic(s) of concern on the sign-in sheet located at the podium prior to 6:30 p.m., when the meeting begins.
  • A three-minute time limit is imposed for each speaker. A timer will appear on the screen in the Boardroom. A buzzer will sound when time expires. At this point the speak will have 10 seconds to conclude remarks. If remarks are not concluded, the speaker will be thanked for their comments and asked to yield the floor.
  •  The passing of time to another person is not allowed.
  • No speaker shall indulge in personal attacks while speaking.
  • All comments are to be addressed directly to the Board of Education.
  • Personnel/Employee concerns may be addressed in writing to the  Superintendent or Chairman of the Board of Education.

How to propose that a topic be added to a Board meeting agenda

Items for business may be suggested by Board members, administration, or patrons of the district for inclusion on the agenda. Business items suggested by patrons of the district must be submitted in writing and received by the Board's secretary, Mandy Motes, in the Office of the Superintendent at least seven (7) days before the meeting in order to ensure consideration for inclusion on the written agenda.

Items of business may not be suggested from the floor for discussion and/or action at the same meeting except at the discretion of the Board chairman or the majority of Board members present.